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Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional
Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional

Ruling on certificate endorsements for dyslexics

On Wednesday (10.00 a.m.), the Federal Constitutional Court will clarify whether the school leaving certificate of dyslexics may include a comment that their spelling did not play a role in their grades. Three former school leavers from Bavaria with dyslexia felt discriminated against by the comments on their school reports and took their case through the courts. In 2015, the Federal Administrative Court turned them down. They lodged constitutional complaints against this in Karlsruhe.

People with disabilities are given compensation for disadvantages in school examinations. For dyslexics, for example, this can mean that they are given more time to write. In many federal states - including Bavaria - there is also the option of "grade protection". Upon request, teachers will not include spelling in the grades. They note in the report that they have assessed the performance differently.

According to the German Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Association, around twelve percent of the population in Germany are affected by at least one of these impairments. In the case of dyscalculia or dyscalculia, arithmetic skills are impaired without this being explained solely by a reduction in intelligence or inappropriate schooling.

The ruling at the Federal Constitutional Court could potentially affect the education process for dyslexic individuals, as it involves determining if school leaving certificates can include comments exempting them from spelling grade considerations due to their disability. Ensuring equal opportunities in education, particularly in relation to health issues such as dyslexia, is crucial in avoiding disability-related discrimination in health and educational processes.


