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Royal couple in Dresden: Frauenkirche and Christmas market

At the end of their visit to Germany, the Belgian royal couple are expected in Dresden on Thursday (from 10.35 a.m.). In the morning, King Philippe and his wife Mathilde will be received by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) at the...

The Belgian royal couple with Elke Büdenbender and Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
The Belgian royal couple with Elke Büdenbender and Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Belgian nobility - Royal couple in Dresden: Frauenkirche and Christmas market

At the end of their visit to Germany, the Belgian royal couple are expected in Dresden on Thursday (from 10.35 a.m.). In the morning, King Philippe and his wife Mathilde will be received by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) at the semiconductor manufacturer X-Fab. The royal couple's three-day visit will focus on topics such as the energy industry and Europe's strategic autonomy in chip production.

Visits to the Old Masters Picture Gallery and the Frauenkirche are planned for the afternoon. Afterwards, there will be a stroll through the Christmas market at the Frauenkirche.

Official program of the state visit Belgian Foreign Ministry on the state visit Office of the Federal President on the state visit

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