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Rostock encourages the area with daring slogans.

Time for a change at the beach! Humorous posters in Dortmund draw attention to Rostock's attractions, promoting the region throughout Germany.

A poster with the inscription "Life is too short to stay in Kiel" hangs on a house.
A poster with the inscription "Life is too short to stay in Kiel" hangs on a house.

promoting products or services through various forms of media. Marketing a company's goods or services. - Rostock encourages the area with daring slogans.

"Live in Kiel? Think again!" declares the billboards plastered across Germany. The Region Rostock planning association is behind this tongue-in-cheek marketing campaign, aiming to entice people to relocate to Rostock. "We're suggesting to potential residents with a playful nudge that they might find happiness here in Region Rostock," explained a representative from "Greater Rostock."

The billboards have been strategically placed in cities with high rates of emigration. Apart from Kiel, they've also popped up in Hamburg, bearing the tagline, "You've got the cash, we've got the charm." In Berlin, the message is, "Berlin has transformed so much. Why not follow suit?" While in Dortmund, there's this eye-catching slogan, "Time for a change? Head to Rostock this summer!"

The selection of cities was carefully chosen, based on demographic data, reveals the representative. The campaign will run until mid-June and is simply an advertising initiative. According to the team, the response from the public has been overwhelmingly positive. "Our campaign is anything but silly!" they asserted.

In fact, Rostock was recently ranked among the top 10 most liveable cities in Europe by an EU study.

Kiel's representatives have taken the campaign in good humor. A city spokesperson said, "Life's too short to play second fiddle - join us in Kiel." Interestingly, Rostock and Kiel share a maritime identity, which makes the Baltic Sea region highly robust, according to the spokesperson.

Werner Piening, the economic minister of Schleswig-Holstein, kept his reaction level-headed. In response to a Kieler Nachrichten report, he said, "It seems the residents of Rostock's sharp wits and hardworking ethos are starting to gain recognition in Kiel."

Read also:

  1. The advertising campaign features colorful posters with witty slogans, encouraging people to consider relocating to Rostock, which is located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany.
  2. The city of Kiel, also in Germany, has taken the campaign in good humor, displaying a sense of camaraderie with its neighboring city, Rostock, known for its strong maritime identity.
  3. Visitors to the Dortmund area might be enticed by the advertisement's captivating slogan, "Time for a change? Head to Rostock this summer!", promoting the city's charm and unique offerings.
  4. The success of the advertising initiative in Rostock has led to speculation about potential similar campaigns in other cities within Germany, such as Dortmund or Berlin, showcasing the country's diverse regions and modern transformation.



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