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Rosetti adopts strict stance against unsportsmanlike conduct.

Just the captain serves as the point of contact, a yellow card is swiftly issued for grumbling, a red card for severe fouls - the European Championship's refereeing guidelines are unequivocal. Fans can expect a clarification.

Roberto Rosetti, head of the UEFA Referees Committee, in Nyon.
Roberto Rosetti, head of the UEFA Referees Committee, in Nyon.

Primary referee - Rosetti adopts strict stance against unsportsmanlike conduct.

Roberto Rosetti, chief referee at UEFA, revealed the rules and equipment for this year's European Championship, mere hours before kickoff. Fans can anticipate openness, as video referee calls will be broadcast to the audience on LED screens inside the stadium. "Our aim is to give fans an understanding of what the referee has chosen," Rosetti mentioned at the Munich Arena, where Germany kicks off against Scotland at 9 p.m. (ZDF and MagentaTV).

Firm on major fouls

"Zero Tolerance" towards major fouls, expressed Rosetti, making it clear that they strive to safeguard the integrity of the game, especially for the players. The stringent approach towards player complaints manifested in the UEFA Champions League finals, when Nico Schlotterbeck and Marcel Sabitzer from Dortmund were cautioned for light grumbles about referee choices. "They're world-class referees," stated Rosetti. "They don't shift, they don't succumb to stress - why should they?" He himself has never reverted a decision throughout his three-decade refereeing career.

Captains are the liaisons

Captains serve as the only communication intermediary for referees, Rosetti requires. If the goalkeeper is the captain, a field player must be designated as a spokesperson if the goalie is far away. Rosetti also shared insights on how handballs, swallows, or arm usage against opponents will be assessed. Moreover, he shed light on technological support like the chip in the ball or goal line technology, which will be in use at the EM. "Its all about fair play at the European Championship," proclaimed Rosetti.


  1. Zero Tolerance for Serious Fouls
  2. Captains are the Only Contact Persons
  3. Instruction for Handballs, Swallows, and Arm Usage
  4. Use of the Chip in the Ball and Goal Line Technology

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