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Rose's wish from the team: "Keep pulling on the chains"

Marco Rose only has one Christmas wish for his team in sporting terms. The team should remain as it is. "We want to continue to work on ourselves and pull on the chains. We want to remain self-critical, but still be positive. In our own way, we want to continue to be as successful as possible...

Marco Rose in the stadium.
Marco Rose in the stadium.

1st Bundesliga - Rose's wish from the team: "Keep pulling on the chains"

Marco Rose only has one Christmas wish for his team in sporting terms. The team should remain as it is. "We want to continue to work on ourselves and pull on the chains. We want to remain self-critical, but still be positive. In our own way, we want to continue to be as successful as possible together and stand together. You can put that under the tree for Christmas," said RB head coach Marco Rose ahead of Leipzig's Bundesliga match against TSG 1899 Hoffenheim this Saturday (18:30/Sky).

In his private life, Rose is a total family man. "My perfect Christmas means being together and spending time with the family and eating well," said the 47-year-old and revealed: "I've already had my first goose, I love red cabbage and dumplings. Everything that goes with Christmas. I just like the atmosphere."

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