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Roofer falls onto scaffold

During roofing work in Hamburg-Bergedorf, a craftsman loses his balance. fortunately, his fall is stopped.

The Hamburg Fire Department rescues a rooftopper (Archive image)
The Hamburg Fire Department rescues a rooftopper (Archive image)

Work accident - Roofer falls onto scaffold

At roofing work on a house in Hamburg-Bergedorf, a worker fell from a scaffold. He was reportedly moderately injured, said a fire department spokesperson. Fire department rescue teams lifted the roofer on Monday using a crane that was in use at a nearby construction site.

According to information from the "Hamburger Abendblatt", the worker apparently lost his balance and fell from the upper level of the scaffolding between the third and second floor. Then he was caught by a net. Otherwise, he would have fallen several meters to the ground.

The scaffolding used in the roofing project in Hamburg-Bergedorf was provided by the same construction site where the fire department obtained the crane for the rescue operation. The incident served as a reminder of the high risk of work accidents, especially in the construction industry. After the incident, discussions about improving safety measures and equipment usage procedures in Hamburg's building sector ensued.

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