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Roof truss fire in terraced house: Presumed lightning strike

Fire department operation at several terraced houses in the city center of Aschaffenburg. Several roof trusses are on fire. Were the residents able to save themselves?

The lettering "Feuerwehr" (fire department) can be read in yellow on the emergency vehicle.
The lettering "Feuerwehr" (fire department) can be read in yellow on the emergency vehicle.

Fire - Roof truss fire in terraced house: Presumed lightning strike

Probably due to a lightning strike, a fire broke out in the attic of a row house in Aschaffenburg. The flames spread to the attics of neighboring row houses in the afternoon on a Wednesday, according to police reports given in the evening. The fire department brought the fire in the city center under control. The residents were able to leave their houses and, according to current knowledge, remained unharmed. The exact extent of the damage is still being investigated by the Aschaffenburg Criminal Police. The German Weather Service had forecasted thunderstorms and showers for some parts of Bavaria on Wednesday.

Police spokesperson

The fire department fought a fiery battle with the roof truss fire, trying to contain the flames from spreading further. The fire department operation involved multiple units, as the fire had spread to several terraced houses. The lightning strike was believed to be the initial cause of the fire in the attic. Despite the weather conditions, the fire department managed to operate effectively. The police are also investigating the possibility of an UNDERFRONT fire in the neighboring houses. The fire department's successful intervention prevented potential casualties in the heart of Aschaffenburg.

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