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Rome anticipates potential collapse of Lufthansa's integration into Alitalia.

Italy cautions EU Commission against prohibiting Lufthansa's attempt to acquire state-owned Italian airline Ita. Italian Transport Minister Matteo Salvini expressed this sentiment in Milan, asserting that rejection from Brussels would constitute a "serious attack on Italy, which we will not...

Flags with the Lufthansa logo are waving in the wind at the airport in the Main metropolis.
Flags with the Lufthansa logo are waving in the wind at the airport in the Main metropolis.

Aviation transport experiences - Rome anticipates potential collapse of Lufthansa's integration into Alitalia.

Lufthansa plans to purchase 41% of the former Alitalia, giving Ita €325 million in funding from Lufthansa resources. If approved, Lufthansa could later acquire an additional 49% and the remaining 10%. However, the EU Commission is yet to endorse this proposal due to competition law concerns.

Salvini, the Deputy Prime Minister, expressed concern over potential EU intervention, stating, "If Brussels delays its decision after the European election to veto the Ita-Lufthansa agreement, that would be quite serious." Suelections are taking place this weekend. "Anyone seeking to throw thousands of employees out of their jobs and risk Italy's flagship airline's fate to layoffs out of personal vendetta or due to French bureaucratic pressure would be a serious affront."

Lufthansa and the Italian government have both consented to circumvent these barriers. The European Commission harbors concerns that customers could be subjected to higher prices and poorer quality post-takeover.

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