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Rock of the year also in the Nördlinger Ries

An asteroid impact caused the rock suevite to form in southern Germany around 15 million years ago - it has now been named Rock of the Year 2024 by the Professional Association of German Geoscientists (BDG). The site where it was found, the Nördlinger Ries between Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg,...

The Ries is a huge crater with a diameter of 25 kilometers.
The Ries is a huge crater with a diameter of 25 kilometers.

14.8 million years old - Rock of the year also in the Nördlinger Ries

An asteroid impact caused the rock suevite to form in southern Germany around 15 million years ago - it has now been named Rock of the Year 2024 by the Professional Association of German Geoscientists (BDG). The site where it was found, the Nördlinger Ries between Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, was described by Manuel Lapp, spokesman for the board of trustees, as "one of the best-preserved impact craters in the world". A special feature that the association wants to draw attention to with the nomination.

The Nördlinger Ries was formed around 14.8 million years ago when a huge asteroid with a diameter of one and a half kilometers crashed into southern Germany, as the BDG announced on Friday. Suevite can be found on and in the crater today.

The BDG selects the rock of the year every year. In doing so, the association aims to draw attention to the importance of geosciences and rocks in everyday life.

Press release

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