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Rock im Park festival continues under sunny skies.

The Rock im Park music festival in Nuremberg persists on Saturday with perfect summer conditions, as predicted by the organizers, who anticipate it to be the hottest day of the event. Approximately 70,000 music enthusiasts will join the festivities in front of three stages until the concluding...

The audience stands at the Utopia Stage during the performance of the band Tenacious D.
The audience stands at the Utopia Stage during the performance of the band Tenacious D.

Celebration or Event - Rock im Park festival continues under sunny skies.

Stephan Velten, a representative for Rock im Park, said that attendance has been decent so far. The details about the number of attendees for this and its sister festival Rock am Ring won't be released before Sunday. Both festivals are recognized as among the most significant music events in Germany.

Regarding the minimal chaos this year, Sohrab Taheri-Sohi from the Bavarian Red Cross remarked, "Nothing severe has taken place thus far." Festivalgoers have demonstrated good behavior and caution. Of the roughly 700 instances of support, fewer than 25% were alcohol-related.

Three weeks ago, several emergency personnel had been involved in flood relief operations in Bavaria. Visitors have yet to forget the horrific experience, according to Taheri-Sohi. The rescuers have received polite applause and appreciation from the audience.

On Saturday, H-Blockx, a crossover band that peaked at the top of the charts 30 years ago with their first album, was set to perform as the main stage's opening act. Big names on the roster included the Austrian rock band Wanda, the rap-rock group Kraftclub, and Måneskin, a glam-rock band that triumphed at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2021.

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