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Roberta Metsola re-elected as President of the EU Parliament

Maltese politician Roberta Metsola begins another term as President of the European Parliament. The deputies elected the Christian Democrat on Tuesday in the first session after the European elections in Strasbourg with 562 out of 720 votes. The Parliament president sits in front of plenary...

Roberta Metsola before the EU Parliament on Tuesday
Roberta Metsola before the EU Parliament on Tuesday

Roberta Metsola re-elected as President of the EU Parliament

"I want to contribute to closing the remaining gap between people's expectations of Europe and what we can deliver," said Metsola before the European Parliament. She will advocate for a "strong parliament" that "pushes through the laws that our citizens want and need."

Metsola has been before the Parliament since January 2022 and is the third woman to hold this position. She enjoys broad, cross-country and party support among the Members. The only opposing candidate was the Spanish Irene Montero from the Left faction, who received 61 votes on Tuesday.

Roberta Metsola, the newly elected President of the European Parliament, emphasized the need to bridge the gap between Europe's expectations and deliverables during her speech before the Parliament. Metsola, who has been serving in the Parliament since January 2022, will strive for a robust Parliament that effectively passes laws that benefit European citizens throughout her term of office in Strasbourg. As the third woman to hold this position, Metsola enjoys widespread support from various countries and political parties in the Parliament. Despite the European election, Metsola was the uncontested choice, with the only opposing candidate, Irene Montero from the Left faction, receiving 61 votes.

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