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Robber with a knife attacks a gas station

An unknown perpetrator robbed a petrol station in Heppenheim and stole a few hundred euros. The man had entered the salesroom on Monday evening and threatened the 19-year-old employee with a knife. The employee gave him the cash from the till. The robber then fled on foot in an unknown...

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Bergstrasse district - Robber with a knife attacks a gas station

An unknown perpetrator robbed a petrol station in Heppenheim and stole a few hundred euros. The man had entered the salesroom on Monday evening and threatened the 19-year-old employee with a knife. The employee gave him the cash from the till. The robber then fled on foot in an unknown direction, as the police reported on Tuesday morning.


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In response to the rising criminality in Southern Hesse, the local authorities are increasing their patrols in the area. Despite this, a robbery occurred in Hesse, where an unidentified individual robbed a petrol station in Heppenheim.



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