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Roast venison and vegan goulash in Antarctica

Christmas at the other end of the world: the crew at the Neumayer III research station in Antarctica traditionally celebrates with gingerbread, speculoos and roast venison. But presents are rare.

The German research station Neumayer Station III in the Antarctic.
The German research station Neumayer Station III in the Antarctic.

Christmas holidays - Roast venison and vegan goulash in Antarctica

Christmas is also celebrated at the southern end of the earth, just like in many German households: At the Neumayer III research station operated by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in Bremerhaven, there will be a feast of saddle of venison, red cabbage and napkin dumplings on Christmas Eve, as chef Eva Link revealed. For the residents who don't eat meat, she will be serving vegan braised goulash. "We will have a beautiful table," said Link.

The saddle of venison has been in the freezer for a long time: it was delivered on the last ship in January 2023. It was only recently that a ship was able to dock again after the winter months. Although it is summer right now, the temperature is comparatively mild at single-digit minus degrees and it is still light at midnight, there has already been an Advent atmosphere for weeks, said Link. The station is decorated with paper stars in the windows and artificial fir branches. Gingerbread and speculoos were also present.

However, there will hardly be any presents, which is not a bad thing, said ward manager Peter Frölich: "We have become so used to not going shopping that we don't need anything new." Last year, some homemade gifts were given to each other. The piano concert by a resident was much nicer. This is the second Christmas at the end of the world for Frölich and Link. They both arrived in mid-December 2022 and stayed in the ice with eight people as a wintering team. They will return to Germany in January 2024.

Blog of the inhabitants of the Neumayer Station

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