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Road blockade for better air in Dresden

Driving a car is convenient but unhealthy, as environmental activists criticize. Those who can should definitely switch to cycling and public transport - or walk.

Around a dozen climate activists took part in the action in Dresden.
Around a dozen climate activists took part in the action in Dresden.

Air pollution - Road blockade for better air in Dresden

Activists from the environmental initiative Extinction Rebellion continue with street blockades to draw attention to air pollution in cities. "Individual traffic and its emissions burden our air and threaten the health of our families," the group stated after a blockade at Dresden's Albertplatz. Air pollution contributes to many premature deaths in children, explained meeting leader Iris Kaemper. The organizers of the protest also referred to the positive effect of cycling on health. Movement can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

At the action on a heavily trafficked square in Dresden, about a dozen climate activists participated. Motorists reacted with horn honking, passersby and occasionally also motorists reacted with understanding, eyewitnesses reported. According to the police, the protest proceeded without incidents.

  1. Despite the disruptions caused by the Road blockade organized by Environmental activists from Extinction Rebellion at Saxony's Dresden, the police reported that the protests remained peaceful.
  2. Air pollution, a major issue in Traffic-heavy cities like Dresden, was highlighted by Extinction Rebellion activists during their protest against individual traffic emissions, which contribute to health issues like premature deaths in children.
  3. In an attempt to combat Environmental degradation and promote healthier lifestyles, the Extinction Rebellion group in Saxony advocated for increased use of cycling as an alternative to cars, citing significant health benefits from regular movement that can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  4. The City of Dresden, with its high Traffic volumes and levels of Air pollution, became the site of renewed protests by Extinction Rebellion activists, who, drawing inspiration from the positive impact of cycling on health, continued to call for action against environmental degradation and air pollution.

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