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RKI: Number of acute respiratory diseases decreased

The RKI reports a decrease in acute respiratory diseases. However, the number of Corona infections continues to rise slightly.

The number of Corona cases is still increasing.
The number of Corona cases is still increasing.

Diseases - RKI: Number of acute respiratory diseases decreased

The number of acute Respiratory diseases in Germany is decreasing but remains at a relatively high level for the season. According to a report by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), there are approximately 4.1 million acute Respiratory diseases in the population. Rhinoviruses and Sars-CoV-2 viruses are predominantly circulating, as stated in the report, which refers to the week of July 8th. The number of severe cases is overall at a low level.

Regarding Corona infections, most monitoring systems reported an increase, while some remained stable, as the RKI stated. Last week, approximately 4300 laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 cases were reported to the RKI. In the previous week, this number was around 3600 cases, according to the current status. The RKI experts also observed an increase in virus load in sewage water since mid-May.

According to the RKI, the summer holidays in several federal states can influence the activity of diseases and monitoring systems.

The Robert Koch Institute, situated in Berlin, Germany, is a key player in the country's health sector, providing regular reports on various diseases, including Respiratory diseases. The current report reveals a decrease in acute Respiratory diseases, although the number still remains elevated compared to typical seasonal levels.

Although the overall number of severe health cases is currently low, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has reported an upward trend in Coronavirus infections across Germany. Last week, over 4300 laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 cases were recorded, marking a slight increase from the prior week's 3600 cases.

The Robert Koch Institute also monitors the Coronavirus situation through levels of virus load in sewage water. latest data indicates an increase in virus load since mid-May, raising concerns about potential case increases in the near future.

Drawing from science and data, the Robert Koch Institute cautions that summer holidays in various German states might impact the activity of diseases and monitoring systems, creating uncertainties in predicting disease trends.

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