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Rising water levels expected due to continuous rain in NRW

It's raining, raining and raining. The authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia are therefore expecting river levels to rise again. Hundreds of firefighters are deployed in flood protection.

Flood on the Weser (photo taken with drone).
Flood on the Weser (photo taken with drone).

State Environmental Agency - Rising water levels expected due to continuous rain in NRW

In view of the continuous rain, the State Environment Agency expects water levels on the rivers in North Rhine-Westphalia to rise again. Rising water levels were already measured at many gauges on Tuesday. The State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (Lanuv) mentioned the Ems, Lippe, Niers, Rur and Ruhr in this context.

The German Meteorological Service (DWD) has issued a warning for parts of North Rhine-Westphalia of persistent heavy rain. In addition to the 20 to 35 liters of rain per square meter that have fallen since Monday evening, it is possible that between 15 and 25 liters per square meter will fall in some areas by Thursday night; in congested areas of the Bergisches Land and Sauerland, amounts of 30 to 40 liters per square meter are also likely. This was announced by the DWD on Tuesday evening.

According to the latest situation report from the state office on Tuesday afternoon, it cannot be ruled out that the highest warning level for major flooding on the Weser will be exceeded again at measuring stations in the coming days. The authority also pointed out that the rise could also be sudden in smaller bodies of water.

According to the Ministry of the Environment, the pressure on the dykes and protective structures will continue with the rain. According to a spokesperson on Tuesday, there was no indication of a critical situation on a section of dyke. According to information from the Ministry of the Interior, hundreds of firefighters were deployed in flood protection in NRW on Tuesday.

The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is expecting an increasing number of deployments due to the continuous rain. "The THW is ready to continue providing help quickly and effectively," assured a spokesperson. The THW was out and about with dozens of personnel on Tuesday. This included dyke safety and pumping work.

According to the Ruhrverband, there is room for more rain in the reservoirs. The past few days with less rain have been used to reduce the fill level to just under 85 percent. During the flood phase over Christmas, the reservoirs were filled to more than 92 percent at their peak.

However, according to the Ruhrverband, the reservoirs can only reduce flood peaks, but cannot stop all the rainfall in the entire Ruhr catchment area. Because they are located in the higher Sauerland region, they cannot absorb the rainfall that falls further downstream.

DWD storm warning Lanuv measurement data

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