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Rising unemployment expected in Thuringia in 2024

According to experts, unemployment in Thuringia will rise in the coming year. Calculation models from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) assume an average of 66,000 unemployed people in the state in 2024, as announced by the responsible regional office of the Federal Employment Agency in Halle on Monday. This corresponds to an increase in unemployment of 1.4 percent or 900 people compared to the annual average for 2023.

Experts are forecasting a 2.1 percent increase in unemployment across Germany - and a 1.6 percent increase in eastern Germany. The rise in unemployment shows that the current crises are not leaving the labor market unscathed, explained IAB researcher Per Kropp. The institute expects an average of 798,600 jobs subject to social insurance contributions in Thuringia in the coming year. That would be 2,600 fewer employees than the projected average for 2023.

The increase in unemployment in Thuringia is expected to put pressure on the local labor market. Consequently, companies and organizations in the region may find it challenging to find suitable job candidates due to the larger pool of unemployed individuals.




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Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

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