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Rising mix of drug use leads to highest death toll

Illegal drug use, including cocaine, crack, and heroin, has been an issue for many years and can lead to fatal outcomes. Is this concerning tendency becoming more prevalent?

A used syringe lies in the bushes near Hallesches Tor subway station.
A used syringe lies in the bushes near Hallesches Tor subway station.

Data on various aspects of a topic - Rising mix of drug use leads to highest death toll

The number of overdose fatalities resulting from illicit drug use in Germany has reached a new high. Last year, approximately 2,227 individuals lost their lives due to the consumption of these substances, which is an increase of 237 compared to 2022, as stated by Burkhard Blienert, the Federal Commissioner for Drug Policy (SPD). This is the highest number of such deaths ever recorded in the country. Deaths from cocaine and crack showed a significant rise, while the number of heroin-related deaths remained the top cause. More frequent consumers are resorting to taking a combination of various illegal drugs. Blienert urged for a more proactive approach in preventing these incidents and proposed putting an end to the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

Blienert described the figures as "alarming" and mentioned that this number is nearly double the figure from ten years ago. Speaking at the drug consumption facility "Birkenstube" in Berlin-Moabit, the commissioner stated, "There are many substances that are highly addictive, significantly harmful, and can potentially lead to fatalities when consumed in combination." He highlighted that a large number of substances are less expensive than a typical beer. He urged for more tangible progress in prevention and help on a practical level.

Out of the reported 2,227 drug-related deaths, 1,844 were male and 383 were female. The average age of the deceased increased slightly to around 41 years. While not always the case, the people who die within the first year of usage typically aren't often first-time users, explained Blienert. "They can die from overuse or because of a lack of knowledge." However, these were often individuals who might have lived longer with the right assistance.


The number of fatalities related to cocaine and crack jumped from 507 to 610 in the last year. Blienert attributed this increase to the surge in the availability of these substances, primarily in European ports. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) added, "We've stepped up our fight against international drug cartels even further." The number of fatalities caused by crystal meth (methamphetamine) increased to 122 from 47 previously.


Despite the increase in other drug-related deaths, heroin and morphine were still responsible for the most fatalities. The number of these deaths decreased slightly, from 749 to 712. Blienert cautioned that there's a large hidden number of drug-related deaths, as reflected by the number of autopsies and reports. In 2023, 1,167 drug-related deaths were autopsied, and there were 882 reported cases.

Mixed Consumption

The consumption of multiple illegal substances simultaneously has become a more severe problem. In 1,479 of the 2,227 drug-related deaths, such mix-and-match usage was present, a 34% increase from 2022. Blienert said, "There may sometimes be a breakdown in support." These consumers then seek substances from the black market, which may not be safe or legal.

Blienert called for the establishment of more drug consumption rooms where they are needed. According to current reports, there are approximately 31 such facilities across Germany for less hazardous consumption under controlled conditions, not in all of the states. Blienert also recommended the examination of special offers for crack, as its "consumption patterns" are inexpensive in certain cases. The German Association for Addiction Issues warned that numerous publicly funded counseling centers cannot cover their expenses. Blienert emphasized, "Every euro invested in addiction help benefits society multiple times."

Legal Drugs

"When we talk about 2,227 deaths due to the use of illegal drugs, we must also talk about 150,000 deaths caused by tobacco and alcohol consumption," stated the commissioner. Long overdue restrictions on sponsoring and marketing for these substances are necessary. He also proposed that the minimum age of alcohol consumption be raised to 14. Blienert didn't anticipate a significant reduction in drug-related deaths overall with the partial legalization of cannabis. However, this shift in focus could enable more prevention efforts and better youth protection to combat the black market.

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