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Rise in domestic violence cases: A majority of victims are female

Domestic violence incidents in Germany have increased, with over 256,000 cases recorded in 2023, a 6.5% rise from 2022. This data was revealed in a report presented by the Federal Government and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in Berlin on Friday. Among the victims, 70% were female,...

Minister Nancy Faesert
Minister Nancy Faesert

Rise in domestic violence cases: A majority of victims are female

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) described the situation as a "vicious cycle of violence" that needed to be put to an end. According to Green Family Minister Lisa Paus, the statistics revealed "the frightening scope of a dreary reality." These incidents, she said, often occurred privately, away from the public eye, posing a significant challenge.

In over two-thirds of the cases (65.5%), the perpetrators of domestic violence were the partners or former partners. The rest were committed by close family members like parents, children, siblings, or other relatives. Of these cases involving partners, 79.2% involved women as victims. Half of the victims were living with their abusers. Last year, 155 women and 24 men lost their lives due to partner or ex-partner violence.

Addressing this issue, Faeser emphasized the importance of perpetrators changing their behavior. "We need mandatory anti-violence training for the perpetrators in addition to consistent prosecution," she said. The current contact bans under the Protection against Violence Act must be implemented more stringently.

To enhance safety measures, Faeser suggested using electronic ankle monitors to keep track of potential offenders. This could allow for prompt law enforcement intervention in emergency situations, potentially saving lives by preventing further violence against women.

Due to the alarming increase in domestic violence incident numbers, the federal government is considering a Law for Violence Assistance. This law aims to provide secure and personalized guidance and counseling services to victims of gender-based and domestic violence. Family Minister Paus asserted that all victims of violence deserve protection and support.

Official figures show a near-constant rise in domestic violence statistics - an increase of 19.5% in the last five years. These statistics, however, only represent partial information as many crimes remain unreported, often due to fear or shame. Martina Link, the Vice President of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), highlighted that a comprehensive study is underway to uncover the true extent of the problem.

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