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Rihanna ventures into China's lucrative beauty sector, displaying skillful use of Chinese food culture.

The musician's recent effort in China to advertise her beauty products illustrates an expert approach to targeting the predominantly online youth demographic.

Rihanna attends an event for her cosmetics brand, Fenty Beauty, in Shanghai, China.
Rihanna attends an event for her cosmetics brand, Fenty Beauty, in Shanghai, China.

Rihanna ventures into China's lucrative beauty sector, displaying skillful use of Chinese food culture.

In recent news, Rihanna showcased her latest campaign in China to promote her makeup brand, Fenty Beauty, by hosting a pop-up event at a photography museum in Shanghai. During the event, she served up jianbing, a popular Chinese breakfast food, to influencers and bloggers, causing a huge buzz on Chinese social media platforms.

Clad in a black ensemble, the singer effortlessly demonstrated how to make the street food favorite, drawing attention from both her fans and the press. On Douyin, China's version of TikTok, users speculated about her album release date, while others marvelled at her culinary skills: "She's so good at making jianbing, it's hard to believe it's her first time!"

Rihanna, who is already well-loved in China, previously gained fame for donning a stunning golden yellow gown by Chinese couturier Guo Pei to the 2015 Met Gala. Her choice to serve jianbing was more than just a nod to her Chinese nickname "Queen of Shandong"—it also showed her understanding of the local culture. Shandong is believed to be the birthplace of the dish, which dates back over 2,000 years. Many users celebrated her embrace of local cuisine as a way of establishing a strong connection with her Chinese fanbase.

Her visit to China came at a particularly opportune time, as she has been trending on Weibo since March after hosting three livestreams featuring Fenty Beauty products. With over 2.8 billion views, she dominated the platform as the top topic of conversation, reaching a record breaking 81 million views for the "Rihanna's first livestream in China" hashtag and 75 million views for "Rihanna shows up in Shanghai."

Further demonstrating the importance of livestream shopping in China, a whopping 460 million users tuned in to livestream e-commerce events in 2022. High-end brands like Gucci, Dior, and Louis Vuitton have also hosted livestream events to promote their products and engage with a broader audience. With China being the second-biggest beauty market globally, it's no surprise that major brands are turning to these tactics to tap into the market and reach Chinese Gen Z shoppers.

The "618" campaign, one of the most significant online shopping events in China after Singles Day, features brand partnerships and promotions, with Fenty Beauty being a part of this year's lineup. Though Fenty Beauty products have been for sale in the country since 2019, the brand's growth has skyrocketed with its unique range of 40 foundation shades and have set a new standard for inclusion and diversity in the beauty industry. Rihanna's successful and engaging marketing strategy in China showcases how businesses can successfully reach out to diverse communities and generate a global impact.

Rihanna's campaign demonstrates how pop culture and e-commerce collaborations can build relationships and drive sales, showcasing her impressive understanding of marketing and the culture of Chinese social media.

In a screengrab from Instagram, Rihanna makes jianbing in Shanghai, China, during a visit to promote Fenty Beauty.

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