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Right-wing politician from AfD party assaulted by unknown attacker; police examining the case.

In an incident at an information stand in Dresden, Hans-Jürgen Zickler, a member of the AfD in the Saxon state parliament, was assaulted by a man. The elderly politician, 70 years old, was hit in the face by the attacker on Saturday, as shared by Andreas Harlaß, spokesperson for AfD Saxony. The...

The police are on duty with flashing blue lights.
The police are on duty with flashing blue lights.

Illicit activities - Right-wing politician from AfD party assaulted by unknown attacker; police examining the case.

In Dresden, cops have confirmed that an altercation took place at a voting location. A 47-year-old man is accused of assaulting a 70-year-old man there. His identity has been logged, and he may face charges for causing physical harm. Law enforcement has chosen to keep his name confidential, with safety in mind.

Read also:

  1. The alleged assailant, associated with the AfD parties, evaded identification at the scene of the crime in Dresden, Saxony.
  2. The police in Dresden are investigating the assault on Hans-Jürgen Zickler, a senior member of various political parties, as the elections approach.
  3. In light of the ongoing police investigation and potential charges, Andreas Harlass, the 47-year-old man accused of the incident, declined to set up an information stand for his party during the elections in Dresden.
  4. Despite the AfD party's involvement, crime remains a prevalent issue in Saxony, where officials are focused on maintaining a secure and peaceful election process.
  5. The police departments in Dresden and Saxony promise to prioritize addressing crime, regardless of political affiliations, leading up to the upcoming elections.

