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Right-wing media figures call Kamala Harris a ‘DEI’ candidate as race-based attacks ramp up

The right-wing media machine is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Kamala Harris.

'Incredibly insulting': Susan Rice responds to comment that Harris is a 'DEI hire'. Former UN...
'Incredibly insulting': Susan Rice responds to comment that Harris is a 'DEI hire'. Former UN ambassador Susan Rice speaks with CNN's Wolf Blitzer about a comment made by Rep. Ted Burchett (R-TN) calling Vice President Kamala Harris a "DEI hire."


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Right-wing media figures call Kamala Harris a ‘DEI’ candidate as race-based attacks ramp up

Suffice to say, it has been a lot. If elected, Harris would not only be the first woman president, but she is the daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants. Her heritage and status as a powerful woman on the cusp of winning the Oval Office has, quite plainly, spurred the attacks drenched in racist and sexist vitriol.

“Suddenly she’s the next messiah?” Fox News host Jesse Watters said Tuesday night as he railed against Harris. “The only reason she is in the White House is because of the DEI deal Biden cut with Bernie [Sanders] to seal the nomination.”

The salvo is a page out of the right’s playbook targeting diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, a bogeyman it has used to blame for everything from airline safety issues to the Baltimore bridge collapse. In most of corporate America, even calling someone a “DEI” candidate would be grounds for stiff disciplinary action, if not outright dismissal. But attributing the success of Harris to her race and sex has become standard fare among Donald Trump’s media allies who conveniently ignore her wealth of experience in both law and government. (It is somewhat ironic, given that J.D. Vance, Trump’s running mate, actually has a rather thin resume.)

To a degree, the onslaught of attacks Harris has been subjected to recalls the ugly treatment that Barack Obama received from right-wing media more than a decade ago as he campaigned for president and served in office. Most prominently, Obama was targeted with the false and reprehensible conspiracy theory suggesting he was an illegitimate president because he supposedly wasn’t born in America, a movement that Trump himself endlessly fanned the flames of. The attacks on Harris are, without question, in the same vein.

While right-wing media figures have for years attacked and mocked Harris as the administration’s “border czar” and a “socialist,” the blitzkrieg of attacks now being directed toward the vice president signal how flummoxed MAGA Media is over how to tackle her candidacy. Until Sunday, the focus of right-wing media had been on Joe Biden, which waged an unrelenting campaign on the president, portraying him as a senile, mentally incapacitated man under the control of nefarious “globalist” forces.

Now, with the sudden and last-minute switcheroo by the Democratic Party, Trump and his media allies are left searching for the most effective narrative to present to the public to damage Harris’ chances at denying them the White House. Those efforts will, surely, increase as new polling emerges showing Harris could seriously threaten Trump’s odds of winning in November.

Which narrative Trump’s media allies settle on remains to be seen. It may ultimately prove too difficult to identify a singular line of attack on Harris, in which case several charges could be tossed into a stew that blends together. That’s how right-wing media confronted Obama in 2008. But, notably, it did not prove to be a successful strategy.

And for some Republicans, the race-based attacks on Harris have already crossed the line.

“Of course it’s not appropriate, for heaven’s sakes. What, are they just going to say if you’re not a white male, it’s a DEI candidate?” moderate Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski said. “I’m sorry. No.”

In the context of corporate America, labelling someone a "DEI" candidate would often lead to severe disciplinary action or even dismissal. However, attributing Kamala Harris' success to her race and gender has become common among Donald Trump's media allies, conveniently overlooking her extensive experience in law and government.

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