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Right-wing extremist Thuringian martial arts group: Three more suspects arrested

Three more suspected members and supporters of the right-wing extremist martial arts group Knockout 51 have been arrested in Thuringia. The three suspects were arrested on Thursday in Eisenach and Erfurt by special forces from the federal police, officers from the Federal Criminal Police Office...


Right-wing extremist Thuringian martial arts group: Three more suspects arrested

The neo-Nazi group has been targeted by the police and judiciary for some time. The martial arts group, which was reportedly founded in spring 2019 at the latest, is said to be an integral part of the far-right scene in Eisenach and Erfurt as well as nationwide. The members are said to have set up a so-called Nazi neighborhood in Eisenach and acted as a law enforcement agency there. Under the guise of martial arts, young men are said to have been given right-wing extremist training and trained to attack dissidents.

Members of the association are said to have deliberately attacked supporters of the left-wing scene and police officers. Since April 2021 at the latest, after several attacks by left-wing extremists on members of the group and right-wing meeting places, the aim of the association was to kill left-wingers, according to the Federal Public Prosecutor General. To this end, the right-wing extremists equipped themselves with knives, brass knuckles and parts of a semi-automatic weapon, among other things.

The investigation is directed against a total of twelve suspects aged between 16 and 59. A trial against four members of the neo-Nazi group around the alleged ringleader Leon R. has been underway at the Thuringian Higher Regional Court in Jena since August.

Kevin N., who was arrested on Thursday, is accused of co-founding the group and also acting as a ringleader. He and another arrestee, who belongs to the NPD successor party Neue Heimat, are accused of membership of a right-wing extremist criminal and terrorist organization. The third person arrested is said to have supported the group and, among other things, helped R. to build a firearm.

The suspects were to be brought before the investigating judge of the Federal Court of Justice on Thursday for the opening of the arrest warrants. Only two weeks ago, police officers had searched several properties in Thuringia and eastern Hesse in connection with the investigation against the group.

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