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Right-wing extremist Sellner triumphs in fight against Austria's entry ban.

Austrian far-right activist Martin Sellner has secured a legal triumph in his struggle over a countrywide prohibition against him, enforced by the municipality of Potsdam. On Friday, the Administrative Court in Brandenburg's state capital decided in his favor, supporting his urgent plea to lift...

Martin Sellner
Martin Sellner

Right-wing extremist Sellner triumphs in fight against Austria's entry ban.

The ban imposed on Sellner was deemed unlawful in a short examination. Potsdam failed to sufficiently demonstrate a substantial risk to community safety and order. Additionally, it was not proven that no less severe option than the entry ban existed. Those displeased with this ruling can lodge an appeal at the Berlin-Brandenburg Administrative Court.

In March, Potsdam issued an order banning Sellner from staying in or entering Germany. This order claimed Sellner's right to roam within the EU would be forfeited. Sellner challenged this decision in the Potsdam Administrative Court.

The Identitarian Movement in the German-speaking area's leading figure, Sellner, was sued by Potsdam. Sellner is believed to have spoken at a secret gathering of AfD members and right-wing radicals in Potsdam in November 2023. At this event, it's rumored discussions took place about forcibly removing people with migrant heritage from Germany. Correctiv network was responsible for this investigation.

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The Administrative court in Berlin-Brandenburg offers a chance for those displeased with Potsdam's ruling, which declared Sellner's entry ban unlawful. Despite the ban imposed by Potsdam in March, the Potsdam Administrative Court sided with Sellner, finding insufficient evidence of a substantial risk to community safety and order, and no less severe alternatives. This success for Sellner, a prominent right-wing extremist, sparked controversy among those opposed to his views.



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