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Right-wing extremist chants linked to 28 cases reported in the LKA area.

A video featuring racist shouting from Sylt prompts widespread anger. Similar incidents are also emerging in Lower Saxony.

View of the "Pony" restaurant in Kampen.
View of the "Pony" restaurant in Kampen.

Social circles - Right-wing extremist chants linked to 28 cases reported in the LKA area.

In Germany, Lower Saxony has seen a total of 28 instances where the lyrics to the popular party song "L'amour toujours" have been changed with racist undertones. The Regional Criminal Police Office in Hanover confirmed this information upon inquiry by the German Press Agency. NDR also reported on these numbers (as reported on May 28). The issue of "racist phrases or rewrites of the original text" came to light in November 2023, stated a representative of the LKA. Social media platforms played a significant role in spreading these altered lyrics. A majority of the documented cases happened in May. There is a possibility of additional reports surfacing in the future.

At the moment, a circulating video is sparking significant backlash, featuring visitors to a bar on the North Sea island of Sylt singing "Ausländer raus" and "Deutschland den Deutschen" to the tune of "L'amour toujours" by Gigi D'Agostino. One man can be seen making a gesture reminiscent of the Nazi salute. The state protection agency is currently investigating the incident for incitement to hatred and the use of unconstitutional symbols. The occurrence has incited a nationwide reaction. Meanwhile, numerous similar events have been reported across the country.

In Lower Saxony, racist slogans were sung to the party hit "L'amour toujours" at multiple shooting festivals. In Löningen near Cloppenburg, several members of the shooting club decided to leave rather than risk further harm to their club, as announced by the Bunnen shooting club board after a recent meeting. The relevant parties also contacted the police. At a multi-day shooting festival in Altendorf north of Wolfsburg, it is said that racist chants were yelled out. There's also a recording of a gathering in East Frisian Emden where partygoers allegedly chanted racist phrases to the tune of "L’amour toujours".

On Tuesday, the Cuxhaven police department received a report from school students regarding a group of young individuals at the bus station in Otterndorf who also shouted these infamous slogans. Efforts from the police, the district, the school, and other institutions aim to counter the occurrence by promoting a sense of diversity, such as through a shared sign on social media.

The Police Director of the Cuxhaven police station, Michael Hasselmann, acknowledged the bravery of the school students who brought this incident to light and denounced these statements and actions. "We strongly condemn such statements and actions. The perpetrators and those involved will face legal retribution," he declared. It is crucial to create social awareness to demonstrate the potential consequences.

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