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Rhineland-Palatinate perceives benefits from overhead power lines.

For Germany's energy shift, transporting large amounts of electricity is essential. The question remains whether underground cables or overhead lines should be prioritized. Rhineland-Palatinate emphasizes the significance of time in this debate.

An electricity pylon in front of a blue sky.
An electricity pylon in front of a blue sky.

Power resource - Rhineland-Palatinate perceives benefits from overhead power lines.

In a conversation regarding ways to transmit power in Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate's Ministry of Energy prefers overhead lines and champions sensible alternatives. The Mainz-based ministry argued to the German Press Agency, "To finish Germany's energy transition, we must substantially expand power infrastructure soon." The ministry emphasized that overhead lines work best when expediting processes and showcasing distinct benefits for power delivery in specific endeavors.

Offering examples of these technical advantages, they pointed out factors like routing or planning status. Plus, the ministry stated, overhead lines are more budget-friendly than underground cables. Consequently, they'd reduce transmission network fees' surcharge, and electricity costs wouldn't climb as much. Nevertheless, ongoing projects will carry on as previously set.

Nationwide, thousands of kilometers of additional power lines need installment for Germany's energy transformation. For extensive "power highways," earth cables currently have precedence - but they're much pricier than overhead ones. Now, there's a dispute about a switch in direction.

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