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Rewe wants to equip significantly more stores with self-service checkouts

In more and more stores, customers can scan their items themselves. This will be possible even more frequently in Rewe supermarkets in future.

The supermarket chain Rewe will be relying even more heavily on self-service checkouts in future.
The supermarket chain Rewe will be relying even more heavily on self-service checkouts in future.

Retail trade - Rewe wants to equip significantly more stores with self-service checkouts

The supermarket chain Rewe will place more emphasis on self-checkout counters in the future. By the end of the year, we want to increase the number of supermarkets equipped with these from around 1,001 to 1,800. Then, self-checkout counters will be available in nearly half of our stores. In the coming years, this will surely increase further," said Rewe CEO Lionel Souque to the German Press Agency. Self-checkout counters without personnel are running well and are used by a quarter of our customers.

Souque sees a particular advantage in the so-called self-checkout systems, where customers can scan their items themselves, "The counters save time. No one likes queues in the supermarket." However, normal counters with cashiers will still exist at Rewe, but their number will be reduced. "It's not about eliminating jobs, but about giving our employees more time for the essentials: customer contact and shelf maintenance," Souque added.

  1. Rewe, a renowned supermarket chain based in Germany, plans to enhance the usage of self-service checkouts in their stores, aiming to equip around 1,800 outlets by the end of the year.
  2. Consumers shopping at Rewe in Cologne, Germany, will soon have access to self-checkout counters more frequently, as part of the supermarket chain's expansion plan.
  3. The retail trade sector, including supermarket giants like Rewe, is embracing advanced technology by incorporating self-service checkouts, allowing for more efficient shopping experiences for consumers.
  4. Lionel Souque, the CEO of Rewe, a prominent supermarket chain in Germany, has expressed the importance of self-checkout systems in reducing queues and saving time for customers during their grocery shopping.
  5. The supermarket chain Rewe, known for its wide range of consumer goods, operates under the umbrella of the German trade sector and is expanding its use of self-checkout counters as a part of its strategic retail approach.

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