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Revised Role of Senator in Bremen for Deportation Renovation

Three Individuals Perish and Eight Suffer Wounds - the Assault in Solingen Leaves Nation Stunned; Bremen's Interior Minister Calls for Swift Response

- Revised Role of Senator in Bremen for Deportation Renovation

Following the tragic stabbing incident in Solingen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bremen's Interior Minister Ulrich Maurer is backing calls for stricter removal policies. "I've consistently advocated for the expulsion of lawbreakers and dangers back to their native lands," Maurer shared with the German Press Agency, as the SPD politician. "Consequently, I likewise endorse the federal government's proposal to facilitate deportations to Syria and Afghanistan."

Over the weekend, three individuals were slaughtered, and another eight were harmed, four critically, during a city event in Solingen. The main suspect in custody is a 26-year-old Syrian. The federal investigative office is examining him for murder charges and alleged membership in the Islamic State (IS) terror group.

Such appalling events might occur at any moment and place, the Bremen Interior Ministry declared. Nonetheless, the ministry stated, "There are no signs of a specific threat in Bremen or Bremerhaven."

The Union's proposal for outright denial of refugee admissions from Syria and Afghanistan is dismissed by Maurer. Legally, such action is impossible, he underlined. Cancelling subsidiary protection is also not an option.

As per statistics from the Interior Ministry, there were more than 3,900 expatriates facing deportation in the smallest federal state by the end of July. The Bremen Office for the Protection of the Constitution currently keeps an eye on more than 560 individuals connected to the Salafist or Islamist scene.

The SPD, represented by Bremen's Interior Minister Ulrich Maurer, supports the federal government's proposal to simplify deportations to Syria and Afghanistan, despite the Union's proposition to deny refugee admissions from these countries being deemed impossible by Maurer.

In response to the tragic incident in Solingen, where the SPD Politician Maurer backs stricter removal policies, the SPD in Bremen maintains its focus on monitoring individuals linked to the Salafist or Islamist scene, as over 560 such individuals are under the scrutiny of the Bremen Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

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