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"Revamping young talent initiatives": Enigma job situations to be readdressed

Saxony seeks to revamp the "Suspiciously good jobs" campaign for younger police officers, with the Ministry of Interior in Dresden stating that the promotional materials will receive a fresh design and new themes. The focus of this reworking is to achieve a distinctive look and a stronger...

A police car with the sign "Suspiciously good jobs!" drives along a road.
A police car with the sign "Suspiciously good jobs!" drives along a road.

Law enforcement officers are investigating a crime. - "Revamping young talent initiatives": Enigma job situations to be readdressed

Launched in 2015, the "Suspiciously Good Jobs" initiative has fueled growing interest in training and studying with the Saxon Police. In 2022, there were 4461 applicants, but this year, there are 5148 individuals vying for a spot. Despite the surplus of applicants, demand for recruits exceeds the hiring limit. Approximately 475 police trainees are needed to kickstart their training this year.

According to Saxony's Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU), the appetite for becoming a Saxon police officer is infectious. The profession presents 1,000 different career paths and relies on individuals who bring dedication and passion for ensuring security in Saxony.

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