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Reuler to present findings on Solingen and Siegen to the Landtag

Following the stabbing incidents at community celebrations in Solingen and Siegen, the Interior Committee is set to be briefed on the latest developments in the ongoing probe on Thursday.

Minister of Interior Herbert Reul from the CDU party is scheduled to present details regarding the...
Minister of Interior Herbert Reul from the CDU party is scheduled to present details regarding the machete incidents in Solingen and Siegen within the interior committee.

- Reuler to present findings on Solingen and Siegen to the Landtag

Westphalia-North's Interior Minister, Herbert Reul (CDU), is set to discuss the advancements in the investigations regarding the stabbing incidents in Solingen and Siegen on Thursday, at short notice. The SPD group has requested an immediate discussion on this matter, scheduled to commence at 13:30, as per the revised schedule.

In both Solingen and Siegen, individuals were assaulted using knives during the local celebrations. Sadly, three lives were lost in Siegen, and the Chief Prosecutor is handling it as a possible Islamist-inspired terrorist act by a Syrian refugee (26). However, the main suspect (32) in Siegen is believed to be mentally unstable. She inflicted injuries on six people, some of whom were severely harmed.

The interior spokesperson for the SPD, Christina Kampmann, expressed her thoughts on the Solingen incident, stating, "We anticipate the Interior Minister to clear up when, where, and how the suspect got radicalized. If he was radicalized in NRW, the question is how that happened in the heart of the state without the authorities missing it. We also expect the Interior Minister to provide answers on what measures he's taking to combat the rising online radicalization."

The SPD group has urged the Commission to expedite the adoption of the implementing acts referred to in Article 113, as they may provide necessary resources or guidelines to combat online radicalization, which is a significant factor in some of the recent stabbing incidents. After the discussions with Minister Reul, the Commission shall provide an update on the progress made in action plans to combat online radicalization.

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