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Reul: Police recruit 3000 candidates despite budget crisis

Summit meeting on Wednesday at the Ministry of the Interior: Herbert Reul had invited the district councils as the heads of their police authorities. Despite the budget crisis, there should be no staff cuts.

Herbert Reul (CDU), Minister of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Herbert Reul (CDU), Minister of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Household - Reul: Police recruit 3000 candidates despite budget crisis

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia will hire 3000 new police officers per year despite the current budget crisis, according to Herbert Reul (CDU), the Interior Minister, at a meeting with district administrators in Düsseldorf on Wednesday. However, savings must also be made in the police sector.

Reul invited the district administrators, who are also police chiefs in their districts, to the Interior Ministry to "come to talk," as stated in the invitation. The background was the current budget situation, which would lead to "massive spending cuts."

Since savings have already been made in other areas, savings must now be made in the police sector, according to Reul, as reported by participants. However, according to WDR, he emphasized that no job cuts would result from this. The district administrators were called upon, according to dpa information, to bring their own ideas for savings and report back if they found a directive from Düsseldorf inappropriate.

The cabinet of Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) will soon present a supplementary budget for the current year. In addition to new credits that can be obtained through an exception in the debt brake, the state government, according to Finance Minister Marcus Optendrenk (CDU), must save in many areas.

  1. The budget crisis in North Rhine-Westphalia has led to the discussion of making savings, even in the police sector, as stated by the Interior Minister, Herbert Reul of the CDU, during a meeting in Düsseldorf.
  2. Despite the budget crisis, the Ministry of the Interior plans to hire 3000 new police officers per year, as announced by Herbert Reul in a meeting with district administrators, who are also police chiefs in their respective districts.
  3. Herbert Reul called upon district administrators to come to the Interior Ministry to discuss the current budget situation and find ways to make savings in the police sector, without resorting to job cuts.
  4. The cabinet of Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) is expected to present a supplementary budget for the current year, which will include savings in many areas due to the budget crisis, according to Finance Minister Marcus Optendrenk (CDU).
  5. In order to address the budget crisis, the North Rhine-Westphalia government, including ministers like Herbert Reul and Hendrik Wüst from the CDU, will have to find ways to save in various sectors, including the police sector and beyond.

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