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Retirement age for firefighters to be raised to 61

It was originally about two years, but the professional firefighters in NRW vehemently resisted a longer working life. Now they only have to work one year longer - until 61.

Firefighters in NRW will retire a little later in future.
Firefighters in NRW will retire a little later in future.

Fire department - Retirement age for firefighters to be raised to 61

The pension age for most professional firefighters in North Rhine-Westphalia is raised moderately by one year to 61 years. This was decided by the parliament with the votes of the black-green government factions. The opposition from SPD, FDP, and AfD voted against it collectively.

Government rowed back a little

Initially, a raise by two years from 60 to 62 was planned. However, there had been months of criticism from experts and unions, and even a 24-hour firefighter vigil in front of the Landtag in Düsseldorf. Only recently had the CDU and Green factions agreed on a compromise that only proposes a one-year raise. The implementation will begin gradually for the birth year 1968.

Approximately 16,700 full-time firefighters exist in NRW. Most of them are active in the 32 professional fire departments and the 396 volunteer fire departments of the state. Firefighters are particularly burdened because they can be called upon at any hour of the day or night and must act quickly and responsibly under physical and psychological pressure in difficult situations. The duties are carried out regularly under the most unfavorable external conditions and are associated with numerous risks for life and health.

Special status of firefighters

However, NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) defended the increase in working life by one year. He justified this in the parliament, among other things, with the demographic change and the foreseeable shortage of specialists and personnel. Police officers also have to retire at 62, and they are not less burdened than firefighters. The age limit of 61 years for the fire department already represents a special status compared to other people. Everywhere in society, the working life is being extended.

SPD, FDP, and AfD rejected the increase in the retirement age in the heated debate and argued that the firefighter profession would become less attractive as a result. Reul accused the opposition of using their criticism of the moderate increase "cheaply for effect."

  1. Despite the opposition from the SPD, FDP, and AfD in Parliament, the CDU and Green factions in North Rhine-Westphalia managed to pass a moderate increase in the pension age for firefighters from 60 to 61 years.
  2. The decision to raise the pension age by one year for professional firefighters in NRW was met with criticism from various experts and unions, leading to a compromise being reached between the CDU and Green factions.
  3. The AfD, along with the SPD and FDP, collectively voted against the proposed increase in the pension age for firefighters in the parliamentary session, citing concerns about the attractiveness of the profession.
  4. NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul, a member of the CDU, defended the increase in working life by one year for firefighters in the parliament, highlighting the demographic changes and the expected shortage of specialists and personnel in the field.
  5. In the debate surrounding the proposed increase in the retirement age for firefighters, the SPD, FDP, and AfD argued that the professional would become less attractive, while Reul accused the opposition of using their criticism as a political tool.

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