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Retired man brutally murdered - murder trial at Görlitz District Court

Less than a year ago, the police find a severely mutilated corpse in a house in Goerlitz. Weeks later, a suspect is arrested - he works for the professional fire brigade.

- Retired man brutally murdered - murder trial at Görlitz District Court

Nine months after the violent death of a pensioner in Görlitz, a 29-year-old will stand trial at the Regional Court of Görlitz starting August 8th, charged with murder. The man from Schleife is accused of brutally killing the 79-year-old during an altercation over his residence on September 13, 2023. The professional firefighter allegedly struck the senior multiple times, kicked him in the head while he was on the ground, superficially stabbed him in the neck with a sharp object, and also strangled him, causing his death by asphyxiation.

The prosecution believes the motive was a dispute over the sale of the property.

According to the prosecution, there were disagreements between the two men over the sale of the house to the defendant. The victim allegedly threatened to expose supposed tax crimes committed by the defendant. The suspect has been in custody since November 2023 and is said to have attempted to set fire to the building after the crime to destroy evidence. The victim was only found four days later - a neighbor called the emergency services after not seeing the 79-year-old for several days.

The trial chamber has initially scheduled two days for the trial.

The local Police in Görlitz have been involved in the investigation, gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses since the crime was reported. During the trial, it is expected that the defendant's prior interactions with the Police will be brought up, due to his alleged tax crimes.

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