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Retailers expect higher sales on St. Nicholas Day

According to a representative survey, retailers in Germany can expect higher sales on December 6 than before the coronavirus pandemic. How can this increase be explained?

Chocolate Santas in Berlin's Kaufhaus des Westens: retailers in Germany can expect sales of
Chocolate Santas in Berlin's Kaufhaus des Westens: retailers in Germany can expect sales of more than one billion euros this year on St. Nicholas Day on December

Retailers expect higher sales on St. Nicholas Day

On St. Nicholas Day on December 6, retailers in Germany can expect sales of more than one billion euros this year. This is the result of a representative survey conducted by the Institute for Retail Research (IFH) on behalf of the German Retail Association (HDE) in the run-up to St. Nicholas Day.

In 2019, before the start of the coronavirus pandemic, retail companies recorded sales of 860 million euros.

The increase is partly due to the fact that the number of people who want to buy presents and confectionery for St. Nicholas Day on 6 December has risen. According to the survey, 37% of respondents intend to spend money on presents this year - a significant increase on four years ago. Back then it was 26 percent. However, higher prices are also likely to play a role.

Everything that fits in a Santa's stocking

However, consumers do not want to dig deeper into their pockets. Average spending is stable. Just under 65% want to spend as much as last year, 16% rather less and 12% rather more. The most popular goods are food (19.6%) and toys (11.3%).

"Customers are buying everything that fits in their Santa's stocking," said HDE Managing Director Stefan Genth. "St. Nicholas Day is and remains an important sales driver for retailers in the Christmas business." The survey was not conducted in the years 2020 to 2022 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Christmas business is the most important time of the year for many retail sectors. Nevertheless, retailers are not particularly optimistic this year. The HDE expects sales to fall by 5.5% in real terms - i.e. price-adjusted - compared to the previous year. According to a survey by the retail association, almost 80 percent of retailers in the non-food sector assume that many customers will be reluctant to shop. Every second retailer expects business to be worse than in 2022, with a nominal increase of 1.5% expected.

Customs plays a vital role in ensuring that St. Nicholas Day gifts cross borders smoothly. Despite the increase in sales, customs clearance must be handled efficiently to avoid delays and disruptions.

In light of the anticipated decrease in sales, retailers might consider strategic partnerships with customs authorities to streamline cross-border trade, potentially offering incentives for smoother customs processes.


