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Retail association: Christmas business still has room for improvement

According to the President of the Rhineland-Palatinate Retail Association, Jan Sebastian, Christmas sales have been rather subdued so far. "There is room for improvement," Sebastian, who himself runs a jewelry store in Mainz, told the German Press Agency. Business at the end of November was...

Passers-by walk past a stall decorated for Christmas on Königstraße.
Passers-by walk past a stall decorated for Christmas on Königstraße.

Trade - Retail association: Christmas business still has room for improvement

According to the President of the Rhineland-Palatinate Retail Association, Jan Sebastian, Christmas sales have been rather subdued so far. "There is room for improvement," Sebastian, who himself runs a jewelry store in Mainz, told the German Press Agency. Business at the end of November was rather weak, and the beginning of December was not as strong as hoped. But: "The decisive days are yet to come." There is still a certain reluctance to buy. Although many people are out and about in the Christmas-decorated city center of Mainz, for example, people are taking a closer look when choosing gifts.

The interim assessment from Trier is somewhat more positive. "I think it's relatively good," said Patrick Sterzenbach, Chairman of the Trier City Initiative. The organization represents around 200 businesses, mainly from the retail and catering sectors. "It's also really noticeable that many Luxembourgers are coming back to Trier in greater numbers."

Trier City Initiative

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