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Restrictions on the medical on-call service

A ruling by the Federal Social Court has led to restrictions in the medical on-call service in Schleswig-Holstein. However, not all 32 locations are affected.

A stethoscope hangs around a doctor's neck.
A stethoscope hangs around a doctor's neck.

Health - Restrictions on the medical on-call service

There are to be restrictions in the medical on-call service in Schleswig-Holstein. The reason for this is a ruling by the Federal Social Court on the social insurance obligation of pool doctors, as announced by the Schleswig-Holstein Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVSH) on Friday. At 9 out of 32 locations, the general practices would have to remain closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from January 1, 2024. There will be no changes on Wednesdays, Fridays, weekends and public holidays.

The locations affected are Bad Oldesloe, Eckernförde, Oldenburg, Preetz, Westerland, Büsum, Ratzeburg, Kappeln and Neustadt. In Kappeln and Neustadt as tourist destinations, a continuous service is to be available again from April to September 2024. According to the information provided, all twelve pediatric practices, the on-call service for ENT and ophthalmologists and the medical telephone consultation service will remain unchanged.

In response to the ruling, the KVSH terminated the contracts of around 450 pool doctors at the turn of the year. Pool doctors are doctors who are not registered in Schleswig-Holstein but work voluntarily in the medical on-call service. According to KVSH information, they previously took on up to 30 percent of the services required.

According to the ruling of the BSG, pool doctors are subject to an additional social insurance obligation in the organized on-call service. According to the KVSH, this means additional annual costs of around three to five million euros. Should the pension insurance company also claim back payments for the past four years, the financial burden could even be around 15 million euros. This would be unacceptable for the KVSH.

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