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Restrictions at Berlin citizens' offices until next week

Due to technical problems, people in Berlin must continue to expect restrictions at the citizens' offices in the new year. The Senate Chancellery announced on Tuesday that the authorities "will only be able to offer all services again in the usual way and to their full extent" from next week....

Two employees work in the Training Citizens Office.
Two employees work in the Training Citizens Office.

Senate - Restrictions at Berlin citizens' offices until next week

Due to technical problems, people in Berlin must continue to expect restrictions at the citizens' offices in the new year. The Senate Chancellery announced on Tuesday that the authorities "will only be able to offer all services again in the usual way and to their full extent" from next week. The citizens' offices have been open again regularly since Tuesday.

Berliners were able to attend appointments to register, re-register and deregister their place of residence. All other appointments on Tuesday, however, had to be postponed until next week. According to the information provided, most of these could take place again from Wednesday.

The reason for the restrictions are database problems at the Berlin-wide IT Service Center (ITDZ). The ITDZ had discovered a technical malfunction in a database that was causing problems at the citizens' offices, particularly in the area of registration.

The State Office for Citizens' and Regulatory Affairs informed the citizens' offices of the problem on Boxing Day, according to the Senate Chancellery. Work is underway to rectify the problem. The online booking of appointments is not affected.

Message from the Senate Chancellery District Office Mitte on Citizens' Offices on X

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