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Restaurant cellar burns twice within two days

Following two restaurant fires in Rheinstetten (Karlsruhe district), the police have launched an investigation into arson. According to the police, there had been two fires in the cellar of the pub within two days. On Sunday, a fire broke out in the area of a washing machine. Two restaurant...

An ambulance with flashing blue lights.
An ambulance with flashing blue lights.

Fire department operation - Restaurant cellar burns twice within two days

Following two restaurant fires in Rheinstetten (Karlsruhe district), the police have launched an investigation into arson. According to the police, there had been two fires in the cellar of the pub within two days. On Sunday, a fire broke out in the area of a washing machine. Two restaurant employees were injured by smoke gas while trying to extinguish the fire. Investigators initially assumed that the cause was a technical defect.

This had to be reassessed in light of the second fire the following day, a police spokeswoman said on Tuesday. On Monday, another fire broke out in the cellar. Restaurant employees alerted the emergency services. They brought several employees, guests and residents out of the building. The fire department prevented the fire from spreading to other parts of the building. No one was injured. There were indications of arson, said the police spokeswoman.

Press release

Read also:

  1. The fire department was called again to Rheinstetten, Karlsruhe district, due to another fire in the same restaurant's cellar, just a day after the initial incident.
  2. The police in Baden-Württemberg are now suspecting criminal activity, as the second fire appears to be an act of arson.
  3. The local fire department once again managed to contain the blaze, preventing it from spreading further and causing more damage.
  4. The first fire happened on Sunday, sparked by a malfunctioning washing machine, leading to two employees being injured from smoke inhalation.
  5. The police are now collaborating with the fire department to investigate the potential arson cases, working to uncover the culprit responsible for the series of fires in Rheinstetten.


