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Residents of Starnberg displayed the highest diligence in casting their votes.

On Sunday, the most dedicated voters from Bavaria were in the Starnberg district, while the lowest voter turnout was recorded in a town in Lower Franconia.

CSU election party at the CSU party headquarters after the first results.
CSU election party at the CSU party headquarters after the first results.

Voting Process - Residents of Starnberg displayed the highest diligence in casting their votes.

In the area of Starnberg, Bavaria reported the highest voter turnout during the European elections, with a whopping 73.8% of eligible voters casting their ballots. Initial findings from the state's electoral commission also indicated that Erlangen City and Wuerzburg County trailed closely behind with 73.6% and 73.3%, respectively.

Meanwhile, the areas with the lowest voter turnout were Schweinfurt City at 52.1%, Straubing City with 53.5%, and Hof at 55.2%. In most urban settings, voter turnout usually dipped below that of their neighboring districts. Erlangen, though, bucked this trend, managing to reach such a high percentage.

At the regional level, Unterfranken had the highest voter turnout at 67.6%. The rest of the districts and cities mostly mirrored Schweinfurt's result, slightly above the average. Oberbayern came in second place with a 67.2% voter turnout. Mittelfranken took the third spot with 65.7%. Oberfranken and the Oberpfalz both fell just below the Bavarian average of 65.5%, while Schwaben posted a 63.6%. Niederbayern had the least voter turnout at 60.6%.

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