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Residents in Marktl choose to install wind turbines.

The Altötting wind farm serves as a point of pride for the state government, yet it faces opposition. Recently, the local municipality of Marktl held a vote regarding the project.

The sun rises behind wind turbines.
The sun rises behind wind turbines.

Wind power plant in Altötting - Residents in Marktl choose to install wind turbines.

Residents of the Upper Bavarian town Marktl have supported the construction of wind turbines in their locality. In a recent vote, 60.17% of the voters showed their approval, as per an announcement on the Marktgemeinde's website. Meanwhile, 39.52% said no. The turnout for the vote was slightly over 70%.

The four planned wind turbines in Marktl are part of the biggest proposed wind park in Bavaria. Earlier, there were plans for 40 turbines in the Altoetting Forest.

Owing to protests, the plans have been significantly reduced to include fewer rotors and increased distances from residential buildings. This is to ensure that the project does not face rejection in the Marktl citizen's vote. As a result, only 27 turbines will be constructed now. Bavarian Economic Minister Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) had pushed for the compromise at a town meeting in Marktl.

Following the vote, Aiwanger commented, "The clear approval of the people of Marktl is a positive sign for the energy transition in the Free State." He added that having meaningful conversations with locals about the advantages of expanding wind energy can lead to acceptance of large-scale wind projects in Bavaria.

In late January, the residents of Mehring rejected the construction of wind turbines in two citizen votes. About ten wind turbines were initially proposed for the Mehring territory.

The Marktl town council kick-started a citizens' initiative in February and scheduled the voting day for its approximately 2,300 eligible voters on the date of the European election.

The opposition by the people of Mehring to the prestigious Bavarian project stirred up a lot of controversy on political responsibility. Multiple times, Aiwanger visited the area.

On occasion, there was commotion within the citizens' initiative. Prior to a visit by Aiwanger, three members stepped down from their positions in the initiative due to the rising support for the AfD in the group.

The 27 planned wind turbines are expected to generate around 370 million kilowatt-hours of power, as per the Ministry of Economics. In June, the initial results of the wind measurements will be released.

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