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Residents can occasionally check on their homes

Individual residents of the town of Windehausen in northern Thuringia, which has been evacuated due to flooding, can check on their homes and should open their cellars. Matthias Marquardt, mayor of the town of Heringen, to which Windehausen belongs, said this on Wednesday after consultations...

Obstacles of a riding course stand in the water.
Obstacles of a riding course stand in the water.

Weather - Residents can occasionally check on their homes

Individual residents of the town of Windehausen in northern Thuringia, which has been evacuated due to flooding, can check on their homes and should open their cellars. Matthias Marquardt, mayor of the town of Heringen, to which Windehausen belongs, said this on Wednesday after consultations with a crisis team. "The situation has eased noticeably. But we don't want to hinder the THW (Technisches Hilfswerk) emergency services." The plan is for the residents of two streets in the town to open their cellars first so that the pumping out can begin there. Those affected are to meet at a collection point and then be taken to the town in buses.

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