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Research: Organizations Entice Talented Professionals with Work-from-Home Benefits

Companies in Germany are progressively opting for remote work when hiring proficient personnel. The percentage of online job postings allowing for remote work has surged fivefold over the past five years, reaching nearly 18%, as per a study released by Bertelsmann Stiftung on Wednesday. Yet,...

Working from home
Working from home

Research: Organizations Entice Talented Professionals with Work-from-Home Benefits

"'Work from Home' Opportunities in IT Jobs: A Study Focus

The term 'Standard Offer' in a study signifies remote work opportunities in IT job postings. Out of ten occupations with the highest proportion of home office jobs, seven fall under the software and IT sector. For instance, in 62% of job postings for IT application consultants, remote work was mentioned.

Home office options are seldom presented in craft professions such as butchery, food production, metal construction, or elder care professions.

Generally, the more intricate the task, the higher the likelihood of home office being provided, as per the foundation's explanation. For highly complex expert tasks, the offer for home office increased considerably from 2019 to 2023: from 6.6 percent to 31.9 percent of all jobs. For helper and trainee jobs, the offer increased from 1.2 percent in 2019 to 3.7 percent in 2022, but dropped to 3.1 percent in 2023.

"The scissors are falling apart – the more qualified the employees, the more home office offers there are," explained the labor market expert of the foundation, Gunvald Herdin.

According to the study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, there's a distinct divide between urban and rural areas. "It's no surprise," there are more corporations in metropolitan areas that grant their employees the ability to work from home. The rate is therefore 26.1 percent in metropolitan areas. "Work from Home Metropolis" includes the North Rhine-Westphalian state capital Düsseldorf, closely followed by Frankfurt am Main and Stuttgart, where corporations offer home office in their job postings in each case over 30 percent. Few corporations in sparsely populated districts offer home office, the rate is here 9 percent.

"Fewer and fewer people are required to relocate to metropolitan areas for work. This presents a chance for rural areas to retain or attract people within the region," explained Herdin. "However, the digital infrastructure must be in place for this."

The Bertelsmann Foundation analyzed job postings for the study on home office offers based on its own statements around 55 million online job postings from 2019 to May 2024."

[image: ilo/awe]

"The scissors are falling apart – the more qualified the workers, the more home office offers there are," explained the labor market expert of the foundation, Gunvald Herdin.

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