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Research institute: Western military aid for Ukraine drops significantly

According to a research institute, Western military aid for Ukraine is falling significantly: new aid pledged between August and October 2023 fell by almost 90 percent compared to the same period last year, as reported by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy on Thursday. During this period,...

Selenskyj in front of F16 fighter
Selenskyj in front of F16 fighter

Research institute: Western military aid for Ukraine drops significantly

"Our figures confirm the impression that supporters have become more hesitant in recent months," emphasized Christoph Trebesch, head of the team that compiles the Ukraine Support Tracker. Ukraine is increasingly dependent on a few core donors, including Germany, the USA and the Nordic countries.

In view of the uncertainty surrounding further US aid, Ukraine can only hope that the EU will adopt its long-announced 50 billion euro aid package. "A further delay would significantly strengthen Putin's position," added Trebesch, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On Wednesday, the opposition US Republicans blocked an aid package worth 106 billion dollars (around 98 billion euros) for Israel and Ukraine for the time being in a procedural vote in the Senate. The background to this is the dispute over immigration policy and securing the USA 's southern border with Mexico.

According to the Institute's report, the countries of the European Union have continued to catch up with promised military aid and have now overtaken the USA. Between August and October, the EU countries pledged 780 million euros for heavy weapons, compared to 500 million euros from the USA.

"New pledges from Germany and the Nordic countries since August 2023 support this trend, in particular through new Patriot and IRIS-T air defense systems from Germany and 19 F-16 fighter jets from Denmark," it continues.

The largest donor of military aid is still the USA with a total volume of 44 billion euros. However, Germany is rapidly catching up with military commitments amounting to more than 17 billion euros.

According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the Ukraine Support Tracker records and quantifies military, financial and humanitarian aid that has been pledged to Ukraine since January 24, 2022. It takes 41 countries into account. Data sources are official government agencies and international media reports.

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