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Rescue helicopter on the A7 - children in the rescue lane

Possibly for medical reasons, a driver left the road on the Autobahn 7 in East Hesse on Sunday morning. According to the police, the rescue operation was complicated by problems with the emergency lane. "In some cases, road users got out of the car in the tailback, with children also running...

A rescue helicopter comes in for a landing.
A rescue helicopter comes in for a landing.

Relief operation - Rescue helicopter on the A7 - children in the rescue lane

Possibly for medical reasons, a driver left the road on the Autobahn 7 in East Hesse on Sunday morning. According to the police, the rescue operation was complicated by problems with the emergency lane. "In some cases, road users got out of the car in the tailback, with children also running around between the vehicles. Other vehicles used the emergency lane to get ahead faster," the officers complained.

The accident occurred on Sunday morning between the Fulda-Mitte and Fuldaer Dreieck junctions in the direction of Würzburg. The car had a license plate from the district of Osnabrück. The 51-year-old female driver was alone in the vehicle. According to the police, she veered off the road to the right at least twice and touched the crash barrier. The car finally came to a halt on a grassy area on the right-hand side of the road.

The driver initially received medical treatment at the scene. "As the lady's condition was unclear, a rescue helicopter was requested, which landed on the highway," reported the emergency services. The road was completely closed for around 40 minutes. In the end, the 51-year-old was taken to hospital by ambulance and the rescue helicopter did not need to take over the transport.

Investigations into the cause of the accident were ongoing in all directions, and a medical indication could not be ruled out, according to the police. The car was damaged to the tune of around 10,000 euros. On this occasion, the police once again appealed to the common sense of road users to observe a rescue lane.

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