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Request for referendum on costs for new theater

Many people agree that Rostock needs a new theater. The costs are sometimes a cause for concern. Some city representatives now want the people of Rostock to vote directly on the issue.

Rostock Town Hall with the meeting room of the city parliament and the mayor's
Rostock Town Hall with the meeting room of the city parliament and the mayor's

Request for referendum on costs for new theater

The CDU/UFR parliamentary group in the Rostock city council is calling for a referendum on the costs of the planned new theater. A corresponding motion is to be discussed at the meeting of city representatives on Wednesday next week. "The CDU/UFR parliamentary group is fully committed to the fact that our city undoubtedly needs a new theater," said parliamentary group leader Chris Günther on Monday. "However, it is part of our responsibility as elected members of the city council not to lose sight of the financial framework of such a project." The city's financial capacity to act should not be restricted for decades for the sake of a project.

He warned against the city getting lost in the financial planning for the project in order to implement it - "whatever the cost". The city council had passed two resolutions on the costs in the past. Originally, there had been talk of 110 million euros. A second resolution was based on an estimate of 183 million euros. In the meantime, construction costs are expected to exceed 208 million euros and additional costs for the interior fittings.

According to Günther, the sale of significant parts of the city's land is now being discussed. A decision of this magnitude affects the entire city society and therefore citizens should have the opportunity to vote on it in a referendum.

The Left Party, the Greens and the Rostock Federation are calling for a commitment to the new theater building in a motion for the upcoming parliamentary session. "More than 200 million euros for the new theater is a lot of money. But the city has large financial and land reserves. It can afford this tour de force," Uwe Flachsmeyer from the Green Party was quoted as saying. It is about final planning security. "Unfortunately, Rostock is very good at talking up, postponing and thus preventing important projects. This must not happen to us again with the new theater building."

The municipalities are considering selling significant parts of the city's land to finance the construction of the new theater, as proposed by the CDU/UFR parliamentary group. The referendum on the costs of the planned theater, initiated by the CDU/UFR group, is necessary to ensure that the city's financial capacity is not restrictedly affected for decades by this project.




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Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

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