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Republican Party convention: Former rivals rally behind Trump

On the second day of the Republican Party Convention, former rivals aligned behind Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Nikki Haley, who also sought the Republican Party's presidential nomination, stated on Tuesday (local time), that a unified Republican Party is essential for the...

Nikki Haley at the Republican Party Convention
Nikki Haley at the Republican Party Convention

Republican Party convention: Former rivals rally behind Trump

Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina, sharply criticized Trump during the Republican presidential nomination race. She had stated just four months ago that the USA would not survive "another four years of chaos" under Trump. However, at the convention she said: "Donald Trump has my full support. Period." She further added: "Believe me: I was not always on the same page as President Trump, but we agree more often than we disagree."

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy were also other competitors of Trump from the primaries present. Ramaswamy said: "Donald Trump is the president who will truly unite this country - not through empty words, but through actions."

Shots at Trump at a campaign event in the state of Pennsylvania on Saturday sparked discussions about overcoming political divisions. Trump survived the attack on Saturday by just a narrow margin. The former president was lightly wounded by a bullet near his ear.

  1. Nikki Haley's earlier criticisms of Trump during the 2016 Republican presidential nomination race were quite scathing, as she had expressed her concern about another four years of chaos under his leadership.
  2. Despite their differences earlier, Haley publicly endorsed Trump at the Party congress, stating that they often agreed more than they disagreed.
  3. Rivals like Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, along with businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, faced off against Trump during the Republican primaries.
  4. Ramaswamy, in particular, touted Trump's ability to unite the country, contrasting this with empty political divisions speeches.
  5. The Republican Party, which Trump once led, is still divided over his actions and rhetoric, as evidenced by the political attacks and the near miss on his life in Pennsylvania.
  6. The US-Republicans, including notable figures like Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and former President Trump, continue to shape the political landscape of the United States of America.

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