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Republican Party Conference: Former Rivals Rally Behind Ex-President Trump

At the US Republican Party convention, several ex-rivals publicly endorsed the designated presidential candidate Donald Trump. A united Republican Party is essential for the "salvation" of the country, said the former presidential candidate and ex-UN ambassador Nikki Haley on Tuesday (local...

Nikki Haley at the Republican Party convention
Nikki Haley at the Republican Party convention

Republican Party Conference: Former Rivals Rally Behind Ex-President Trump

Haley criticized Trump sharply during the race for the presidency four months ago, stating that the USA would not survive "another four years of chaos" under Trump. However, at the second day of the Republican Convention in Milwaukee, she declared, "Donald Trump has my full support. Period." Haley further added, "Believe me: I was not always in agreement with President Trump, but we agree more often than we disagree." DeSantis and Ramaswamy also came to the stage during prime time to support the 78-year-old. "Donald Trump is the president who will actually unite this country - not with empty words, but with actions," Ramaswamy said.

Discussions about bridging deep political divides in the US, particularly between Republicans and Democrats led by President Joe Biden, arose following the shooting at a campaign event in the state of Pennsylvania. However, the Republicans aim to demonstrate unity at the Nomination Convention. For Haley, there were cheers, but also boos.

Trump narrowly survived the shooting on a Saturday, and the former president was hit lightly in the ear by a bullet. At the convention on Monday, he was welcomed with great applause and officially nominated as the Republican Party's presidential candidate.

Trump attended the convention again on Tuesday. The 78-year-old, who still wore a bandage on his right ear, sat in the VIP box with Senator J.D. Vance, whom he had named as his vice presidential candidate just before the convention. Trump appeared noticeably more relaxed than during his emotional appearance on Monday night. He raised his fist, waved, shook hands, and thanked his supporters.

Trump won the Republican primaries against Haley, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy with a landslide victory, securing an overwhelming majority of the 2,400 party delegates. After a speech from Vance on Wednesday evening, Trump's acceptance speech for his nomination is expected on Thursday. One week after the attack, Trump and Vance are scheduled to appear at a campaign rally in the US state of Michigan on Saturday.

US President Joe Biden called for stricter gun control measures following the attack on Trump. At an event for the civil rights organization NAACP in Las Vegas, Biden said, "A semi-automatic rifle was used in the shooting on Trump. Help me get these weapons of war off the streets of America."

The right to bear arms is a highly contentious issue in the US. The right to gun ownership is enshrined in the Constitution. The effort to tighten gun laws has consistently failed due to the resistance of Republicans and the powerful gun lobby.

  1. Nikki Haley, the former US Ambassador to the UN, had strong criticisms towards Donald Trump during his presidential campaign four months ago, stating the USA couldn't survive another four years of chaos under him.
  2. Despite her earlier criticisms, Haley declared her full support for Trump during the second day of the Republican Party Convention in Milwaukee, citing their agreement on more issues than disagreements.
  3. Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy, both potential rivals in the Republican Party, also showed their support for Trump during the convention.
  4. Donald Trump was the Republican Party's presidential nominee, clinching the position with a landslide victory in the primaries against rivals like Haley, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy.
  5. Following Trump's narrow survival from a shooting incident in Pennsylvania, the US President Joe Biden called for stricter gun control measures, citing the use of a semi-automatic rifle in the attack.
  6. The effort to tighten gun laws in the USA has been consistently thwarted due to the resistance of the Republican Party and the powerful gun lobby, which views the right to gun ownership as a constitutional right.
  7. Trump and his newly announced vice presidential candidate, Senator J.D. Vance, were welcomed with great applause at the Republican Convention and are scheduled to appear at a campaign rally in Michigan the following week.
  8. At the Republikaner Party Convention in Milwaukee, Trump addressed his supporters, appearing more relaxed than during his emotional appearance the night before, and thanked them for their support.
  9. Haley, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy may continue to be rivals within the Republican Party, but they all agree on supporting Trump as the US-President-candidate, highlighting the party's desire to demonstrate unity at the Nomination Convention.

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