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Reports: North Korea's ruler Kim orders army to prepare for war

At the turn of the year, North Korea's ruler Kim Jong Un once again threatened his South Korean neighbors with a nuclear attack. Kim also ordered his country's army to arm itself and prepare for a war that could break out on the Korean peninsula "at any time", as North Korean state media...

Kim Jong Un at the five-day party
Kim Jong Un at the five-day party

Reports: North Korea's ruler Kim orders army to prepare for war

Kim reportedly made his remarks at a five-day party meeting that ended on Saturday, at which North Korea's military, political and economic goals for 2024 were set. The authoritarian ruling Kim once again sharply attacked the USA: "The United States, which has long caused and exacerbated political instability on the Korean peninsula, is threatening our country," Kim said according to the state news agency KCNA on Sunday.

Kim called on the North Korean armed forces to maintain "overwhelming" capabilities for a "war response". It was "a fact that war could break out on the Korean peninsula at any time due to the enemy's reckless actions to launch an invasion".

At the party meeting, Kim went on to say that he was no longer seeking reconciliation and reunification with South Korea. He referred to the "ongoing uncontrollable crisis" triggered by Seoul and Washington. With regard to the army, he reportedly said: "We must respond quickly to a possible nuclear crisis and further accelerate our preparations to pacify the entire territory of South Korea by mobilizing all means and forces, including the nuclear forces, in case of an emergency."

The launch of more spy satellites in 2024 was declared one of the most important political decisions for the coming year at the end-of-year party meeting, KCNA reported. Unmanned drones and electronic warfare capabilities are also to be expanded. The nuclear and missile forces are also to be strengthened.

This year's party meeting took place at the end of a year in which North Korea successfully launched its first spy satellite, enshrined its status as a nuclear power in the constitution and launched its most advanced intercontinental ballistic missile to date.

The ruler of the internationally largely isolated country had already threatened a nuclear attack last week if his country was "provoked with nuclear weapons". The USA and South Korea had recently warned that a nuclear attack by North Korea would result in the end of the leadership in Pyongyang. In December, the USA stationed a nuclear-powered submarine in the South Korean port of Busan. US bombers were also deployed in exercises with South Korea and Japan.

The UN Security Council has imposed numerous sanctions on the country due to North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile program. Korea expert Leif Easley, professor at Ewha University in Seoul, interpreted Kim's statements focusing on military capabilities as a distraction from the poor economic situation in the country.

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