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Renunciation of private fireworks on: View on animal welfare

Colorful fire wheels, hissing rockets and crashing firecrackers - what is entertaining for many people on New Year's Eve frightens other people and animals enormously. Nabu therefore appeals to private individuals.

Fireworks can be seen.
Fireworks can be seen.

Nabu - Renunciation of private fireworks on: View on animal welfare

The Hamburg Nature Conservation Association has called on private individuals to refrain from using fireworks on New Year's Eve to protect animals. Not only do fireworks cause an enormous amount of fine dust and waste every year, they are also harmful to wildlife.

"The turn of the year can be celebrated well without private New Year's Eve fireworks," said Malte Siegert, Chairman of Nabu Hamburg. The organization also suggests that the city should organize a central fireworks display, "preferably a light show". This could reduce waste and noise and the year could be welcomed in a more environmentally and nature-friendly way. In the best case scenario, fireworks in the Hanseatic city should be reduced throughout the year.

Fewer fireworks are a very practical contribution to species protection, the report continued. Birds and other wild animals suffer particularly from fireworks - and not just on New Year's Eve. Nabu therefore also wants to campaign for a general ban on fireworks during the breeding season from March to August. This would affect the spring cathedral and the harbor birthday in May.

Fireworks rob animals of a lot of energy, which they need to survive, especially in winter, as Marco Sommerfeld from Nabu explained. "The intense noise triggers the flight reflex in birds. They flee to great heights, don't land for a long time and are slow to return to their resting and roosting places," said the bird conservation expert. "Fireworks during the breeding season can in turn lead to birds abandoning their nests and there being no offspring."

Message from Nabu on refraining from fireworks

Read also:

  1. The Nature Conservation Association Germany, specifically NABU Hamburg, supports the renunciation of private fireworks during New Year's Eve for animal welfare concerns.
  2. Malte Siegert, the Chairman of NABU Hamburg, encourages a central fireworks display on New Year's Eve in Hamburg, proposing a light show to reduce waste and noise.
  3. NABU is advocating for a general ban on fireworks during the breeding season from March to August, affecting events like the spring cathedral and the harbor birthday in May.
  4. The painter Siegert and the Nature Conservation Association Germany highlight the impact of fireworks on animals, especially birds, as they lose energy, trigger flight reactions, and abandon their nests during the breeding season.
  5. In addition to the Hamburg Nature Conservation Association, various leisure activities and traditions should consider animal welfare, such as bird watchers, painters, and nature enthusiasts.
  6. Hamburg's approaching turn of the year encourages an overall shift in perspective, recognizing the city's wildlife and the role of leisure time activities in animal conservation.


