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Renovation of the Michel's roof and tower cornice completed

In 1906, Hamburg's Michel had to be rebuilt after being completely destroyed by fire. Rammed concrete was used for the cornice at the time. But it is now giving way. An initial appeal for donations has already raised a lot of money.

The tower of St. Michael's Church (Michel) in front of light clouds in the morning
The tower of St. Michael's Church (Michel) in front of light clouds in the morning

Renovation of the Michel's roof and tower cornice completed

Just a few weeks after the Hamburg St. Michael's appeal for donations for the urgently needed renovation of the roof and tower cornice, almost half a million euros have already been raised. A total of around 470,000 euros has been donated and the first work has already been completed, the main church of St. Michaelis announced in Hamburg on Monday. "The most urgent damage has been repaired. In the first renovation phase, the roof and tower cornice at the main entrance above the head of St. Michael the Archangel and above the two large portals to the north and south were reinforced in 70 places with metal rods up to 120 centimetres long."

The largest cracks in the cornice have also been sealed to prevent further water ingress. The second phase of the renovation, which will take six months, will then begin in spring 2024. The 470,000 euros have been donated in recent weeks by more than 500 "heavenly helpers", including large donations from Hamburg business families and companies.

The St. Michaelis Foundation is now hoping for an end-of-Christmas spurt, as around 130,000 euros are still missing to commission the next renovation phase. The Hamburg Monument Preservation Foundation also wants to double all donations from private individuals up to a total amount of 50,000 euros, according to the statement.

With a donation at, anyone can become a "heavenly helper" and symbolically provide the construction team with working hours. Half an hour's work costs 35 euros, which can be pledged once or for the duration of the construction period. Around 7000 working hours should be financed in this way.

The St. Michaelis Church, known for its iconic building, is seeking additional funds for the ongoing renovation project. With the current financial contributions, the church has managed to cover half of the estimated cost, primarily from local benefactors and businesses. (Finances, Church)

Moving forward, the church's social affairs are also engaging in efforts to encourage more donations. The Hamburg Monument Preservation Foundation will match private donations up to 50,000 euros, doubling the impact of every contribution towards the restoration of the church's exteriors. (Donations, Social affairs)


